UF Plastic and Hand Surgery Programs Gains National Recognition

Congratulations to the outstanding faculty, residents and medical students in the University of Florida  Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for gaining national recognition.

Harvey Chim, MD, FACS, was invited to speak at the 2023 American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS) Meeting in Miami, where he spoke at the Microsurgery Skills Pre-Course and presented at the main meeting.

In addition, Dr. Chim and Ellen Satteson, MD, were invited and are working toward contributing chapters in two main reference plastic surgery textbooks: “Plastic Surgery” and “Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery.”

Looking forward in 2023, Dr. Chim will be the program co-chair for the hand surgery specialty day at the upcoming American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) meeting in March 2023 in Las Vegas. Bruce Mast, MD, FACS, program-chair for the Southeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons (SESPRS), is organizing its 66th Annual Scientific Meeting in June 2023 in Nassau, Bahamas.

Thanks to everyone’s dedication and commitment, the UF Plastic and Hand Surgery programs are continually growing in national and intentional prominence.

Plastics Division