Breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement or augmentation mammaplasty, is a procedure that uses breast implants to give you fuller, more proportioned breasts.
View our breast augmentation before and after photos.
Is breast enlargement right for me?
Breast implants not only improve appearance and help turn back the clock – they are also a preferred means to restore breasts after major weight loss and pregnancy, and may also be used to reconstruct breasts after a mastectomy or injury. Breast enlargement also can be a good choice when trying to correct variations in size and shape.
Breast augmentation is a very individual, personal decision. It should not be undertaken to satisfy others’ desire. We will be happy to discuss with you your goals for this life-changing decision.
How should I prepare for my breast augmentation surgery?
Before undergoing a breast augmentation procedure, you will be asked various questions about your goals, any medications you are currently taking, previous surgeries and if your family has any history of breast cancer.
In addition to an examination, our plastic surgeon will recommend a treatment plan for you and discuss likely outcomes of the breast enlargement procedure.
If you decide to move forward with breast augmentation surgery, there are several things you will need to do. Get a medical evaluation to be sure you are physically up for the procedure. Stop smoking well before your scheduled appointment and avoid Aspirin, anti-inflammatory and herbal supplements as they increase the risk of bleeding.
On the day of your breast augmentation surgery, be sure someone can drive you home afterward, since it’s an outpatient procedure. You also may wish to ask a friend or relative to stay the night with you to help you as you recover.
Contact and discuss your situation with a UF Health breast augmentation surgeon and be sure you have all the bases covered before undergoing any procedure.
How long will recovery take for breast augmentation, and what care and maintenance should I anticipate?
Many factors play into how long your recovery time will be, but you should count on a post-surgical recovery period of 24 to 48 hours and an additional few days of reduced activity. You will likely experience some swelling and soreness for a few weeks after your breast augmentation surgery. Over time, incisions and swelling will fade.
Most importantly, follow your surgeon’s instructions to the letter to avoid any complications. Your Florida-certified plastic surgeon will instruct you on how to care for your breasts, any medication you should be taking and when to follow up with him/her for a checkup. Surgical incisions cannot be subjected to severe abrasion and motion during your recovery time. If you experience shortness of breath, chest pains or unusual heartbeats after you return home, seek medical attention immediately.
Call 352.265.8402 or contact us today to schedule a consultation.