Bruce Mast, MD, FACS, is dedicated to the care of breast cancer patients. Unfortunately, breast cancer is a relatively common cancer affecting one out of eight women in the United States. Treatment for breast cancer requires two types of surgery depending on the specific circumstances of an individual’s tumor in the breast. Breast conserving surgery is when a lumpectomy is done, in which the tumor and rim of surrounding breast tissue is removed. This is almost always followed by radiation therapy to the breast. If breast conserving surgery is not possible or not wanted, then a mastectomy is done, in which the entire breast is removed. Sometimes radiation treatment is needed before or after a mastectomy. Chemotherapy may also be needed as additional treatment with lumpectomy or mastectomy.
Plastic surgery for breast cancer patients most often is done to reconstruct a breast that has been completely removed with a mastectomy, but sometimes is required to correct deformities after lumpectomy and radiation treatments. At the University of Florida, we provide various types of reconstruction, including implants and flap reconstruction. The particular procedure best suited to each patient is selected during a comprehensive office consultation and evaluation. We provide plastic surgical care to breast cancer patients in the context of their complete cancer care. We have close communication with the patient’s oncologists and provide long-term follow up. Reconstruction can be done at the same time as a mastectomy or anytime after the initial breast surgery. Timing of reconstruction often depends on the need or use of radiation treatment or chemotherapy.
Breast reconstruction surgery is covered by health insurance (including Medicare), as mandated by federal law. In fact, if a lift, reduction or implant is needed for the opposite breast to provide the best symmetrical results, insurance companies must cover this as well. It doesn’t matter if the mastectomy or lumpectomy was done last year, 3 years ago or 10 years ago. If you are ready to have reconstruction, then insurance needs to provide coverage and Dr. Mast is ready to help you.
Learn more about breast reconstruction.
Breast Reconstruction Support Network
Want to talk to someone who has undergone a mastectomy and reconstruction? Or have you have completed breast reconstruction by Dr. Mast and have a desire to help others considering it? Contact us to connect today!
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