While breast augmentations and implants are carefully planned and carried out, changes in your life and implants could require you to undergo a breast revision later on. These changes could occur with the implants themselves or from natural changes in breast tissue after child-birth or weight loss. Some women may grow tired of their implants and desire either smaller or larger breasts. Maybe the revision requires a breast lift after child-birth, or perhaps the revision requires a breast reduction.
Whatever is required to correct problems or concerns in the breast region, everyone is different and has their own individual needs and desires.
Am I a good candidate for a breast revision?
It’s natural for the body to change over time and in reaction to certain events like child-birth and weight loss. What may have been a positive thing before may not be anymore.
Besides changes in your life, changes in the original breast implants may require you to undergo a breast revision. University of Florida Health cosmetic surgeons carefully plan and execute each implant procedure they perform, but sometimes women may need some ‘revision’ to correct any changes in your breast implants.
Some of these changes or conditions include: breast implant deflation, tightening of scar tissue around an implant (capsular contracture) or shifting of the implants.
And finally, you don’t even need natural changes in your life or changes in your implants to qualify for a breast revision. Simply growing tired of your old implants and desiring new ones are also reasons for revisions.
So if you fall into any of these areas, are in good health, have realistic expectations and don’t smoke, you may be a good candidate for a breast revision.
How do I prepare for a breast revision?
Preparing for a breast revision is much the same as preparing for other cosmetic breast procedures – in fact, it’s essentially one of several other procedures. Either you need another breast augmentation, a breast lift or even a breast reduction.
If you think a breast revision is what you need to help accomplish your goals, you will first sit down with a UF Health cosmetic surgeon at our Gainesville practice and discuss your concerns. He or she will most likely take pictures for planning the surgery and to file in your medical records. Full details of any and all risks associated with the procedure will be discussed and he or she will require you to sign a consent form attesting that you fully understand the procedure and any potential risks before going any further.
Once your breast revision procedure is scheduled, your surgeon may suggest you take certain medications and/or adjust ones you’re currently on. To minimize the risk of bleeding, avoid Aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements prior to and immediately after your breast revision…and quit smoking well before your surgery.
On the day of your surgery, make sure you have someone to drive you home after your procedure and to stay at least the first night with you to help monitor your recovery.
Again, the first step is contacting UF Health breast revision surgeons and scheduling a personal consultation.
What can I expect in terms of my recovery?
In essence, a breast revision is actually one of many cosmetic breast procedures performed by UF Health surgeons. It could involve a breast augmentation, breast reduction or breast lift.
Whatever procedure is required to correct your breasts, the recovery times and requirements are generally the same…your breast revision surgeon will discuss anything you need to do before and after the procedure(s).
Generally, you should plan for a post-op recovery time of about 24-48 hours and at least a week of reduced activity. You will likely experience some swelling and soreness for a few weeks but incisions and swelling will fade over time.
Your surgeon will apply dressings and bandages to the surgical area to help minimize swelling, etc. and a temporary tube may be placed in the breasts to drain away any excess blood and fluids.
Remember to follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions to avoid infection and other complications. They will instruct you on how to take care of your breasts, any medications you should apply or take orally and when to follow up for a checkup.
Immediately seek medical attention if you experience shortness of breath, chest pains or unusual heartbeats after you return home
If your breasts and/or implants are changing and you think you need a breast revision to correct these issues, contact UF Health breast revision surgeons and schedule an appointment today.
Call 352.265.8402 or contact us today to schedule a consultation.