Brow lift surgery, or an endoscopic brow lift, is a common cosmetic surgery procedure we performed by University of Florida Health surgeons in Gainesville. Creases on the forehead and high nose region develop as we age. We completely understand the dilemma this poses to aging adults and offer a safe, permanent solution for it…brow lift surgery.
Commonly referred to as “frown lines,” a brow lift at our Florida cosmetic surgery center addresses these creases by removing excess skin in the brow and forehead region and smoothing and repositioning the remaining skin to give you a refreshed, more youthful look.
In some instances, brow lifts are done in conjunction with other common cosmetic surgery procedures like a facelift, eyelid surgery or microdermabrasion.
Continue reading to learn how Florida brow lift surgeons perform this procedure from beginning to end and what you can expect if you decide to go forward with this minimally invasive procedure.
1. Initial consultation and establishing a plan
Before deciding on whether to go through with the procedure, you will need to meet with brow lift surgeons at the University of Florida and be evaluated and educated on the procedure and any risks associated with it. If you decide to go forward from there, you will be required to sign a consent form confirming that you understand everything.
Surgeons also will evaluate your physical and mental health to ensure a brow lift is safe for you. Expect to be asked about any medications you’re currently taking, any habits like smoking and any medical conditions. Be completely candid with the surgeon when answering these questions.
Finally, surgeons will establish a plan and set a date for your procedure if you ultimately decide it’s what you need to accomplish your goals of a refreshed, younger look.
2. Administration of anesthesia
Most brow lifts are performed with a local anesthesia so you will be awake during the procedure, but some may require intravenous sedation. Your surgeon will determine what’s best for you during the initial consultation. DO NOT EAT PRIOR TO YOUR PROCEDURE AND FOLLOW YOUR SURGEON’S PRE-OP INSTRUCTIONS.
Anesthesia is very important as it provides comfort during the procedure. Without it, your body will think you have been injured, causing your heart rate, breathing and blood pressure to increase. Anesthesia primarily acts as a pain reliever but also prevents you from remembering the experience, immobilizes you and reduces or eliminates your body’s natural reaction to injuries.
3. Cutting the incisions
Surgeons may employ a couple different methods of cutting the incisions. One method involves a small incision within the hairline. Next, a surgical video device known as an endoscope is inserted into the incision which allows the tissue and muscle beneath the skin to be repositioned, altered or removed to correct the source of visible creases and furrows in the forehead.
Endoscopic Brow Lift Incision Pattern
Before After
Corrections to a low positioned or sagging brow may be made through these incisions without the endoscope. Surgeons may also use this technique in conjunction with other incisions hidden within the natural crease of the upper eyelids. This helps eliminate frown lines between the eyebrows that are on or above the bridge of the nose.
An alternative technique brow lift surgeons may employ is what’s known as the coronal brow lift, which can pinpoint specific regions of the brow to correct. The technique involves an incision from ear to ear, lifting the forehead and removing excess skin from your scalp. Incision lines are well hidden within your hair or natural contours unless they are cut at the hairline for work on the forehead.
Coronal Brow Lift Incision Pattern
Before After
Recovery time from this procedure is generally longer than the endoscopic method since the incisions are much larger. Results emerge gradually as swelling and bruising subside.
4. Closing the incisions and recovery
Once UF surgeons finish removing excess skin and repositioning tissue and muscle beneath it, they will close the incisions. Removable or absorbable sutures will be used to fuse the remaining skin back together. They may use surgical tape to provide a more secure fusion. Permanent sutures or small surgical screws may be used to maintain brow elevation.
Brow lift surgeons may also loosely wrap your head to prevent swelling and bruising and place a temporary thin tube to drain away any excess blood and fluids.
You will immediately notice the positive effects of brow lift surgery but they will become even more apparent as your recovery progresses. Generally speaking, you should be able to resume normal activity (provided it’s not too strenuous or in direct sunlight) within a week to ten days.
If surgeons use an intravenous sedation for your anesthesia, it may take awhile to wake up or it can happen abruptly, but when you do, you may feel hot, cold or a bit numb. You may even feel a little nauseous and go through either a crying or giggling spell. Don’t worry, it’s all normal and your surgeon will be watching over you as the anesthesia wears off.
Regardless, once your recovery is complete you will definitely notice a more relaxed, youthful look.
Bookmark and check back regularly with the Florida Center for Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics’ knowledge center to learn more about brow lift surgery and other plastic and cosmetic surgeries we perform at our Gainesville center.