The nature of soft tissue facial implants — their potential to make minor or even drastic changes to a patient’s facial structure — requires both serious consideration on the part of the patient and careful planning on the part of the surgeon.
University of Florida Health plastic surgeons can help you achieve balanced, aesthetically pleasing features with facial implants, but part of the effectiveness of these procedures also rests with you. If you approach your surgery with a positive perspective and realistic expectations — and follow your surgeon’s instructions prior to and following surgery — you will greatly increase your chances of success.
If you are planning to undergo facial implant surgery, keep reading to learn how Florida soft tissue implant surgeons can help you achieve your desired facial features.
1. Consultation and planning for facial implants
During your consultation, your facial implant surgeon will consider a number of factors. Our plastic surgeons are versed in facial aesthetics, and can help determine the appropriate size and placement of implants to help you achieve your desired facial structure.
Your surgeon will take into account both your desired outcome and your existing bone structure. Be prepared to discuss your expectations so your surgeon can verify that they are in line with what soft tissue implants can accomplish.
Be thorough when discussing your medical history and any current conditions, particularly those you are treating with medication. Even if certain details seem irrelevant to the procedure, it is important that your surgeon be fully informed of your medical status.
Take the opportunity in the time leading up to your consultation to write down questions or concerns that come to mind. On the day of your appointment, your facial implant surgeon can address these details.
Our surgeons also recommend that you abstain from activities like smoking and drinking alcohol in preparation for your procedure, and throughout your recovery.
2. Sedation
You will be sedated for the procedure, either intravenously or through the use of general anesthesia. Although facial implant surgery is an outpatient procedure, you should still expect to spend some time in a recovery area while your sedation wears off.
3. Placing your implant(s)
Our surgeon begins by placing incisions in predetermined locations, then inserts your implant. The type of implant you are receiving determines the specific placement of these incisions. For all types of implants, however, your soft tissue implant surgeon will take care to camouflage the incisions by placing them inside the mouth or on existing creases in the skin.
The most common incision locations for chin implants are inside the lower jaw at the gum line and externally underneath the chin. Jaw implant incisions are placed inside the mouth, also at the lower gum line, but toward the rear near the jaw bone.
For cheek implants, surgeons generally make incisions inside the mouth, but specific placement depends on the area of the cheek being augmented. In some cases the surgeon may place cheek implants through external incisions, but this practice is only common when the incisions would have already existed externally, usually because the patient is having multiple cosmetic procedures in one surgery.
Once the implants are placed, your incisions will be closed with stitches. Be sure to ask your surgeon whether your stitches are absorbable. If not, the stitches will be removed at a follow-up appointment within one to two weeks.
4. Post-op and recovery
Since facial implant surgery does require sedation, expect to be groggy after your procedure, and plan ahead for transportation home. Don’t be alarmed if you find your facial movements restricted for a time after surgery. This is to be expected, and will subside naturally.
You may see some swelling and bruising, which will make it difficult to accurately assess the success of your procedure at first. Your surgeon will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. Be aware that in some cases multiple procedures are required to achieve the desired results.
Follow your surgeon’s instructions during the recovery process. You may be given a list of dietary restrictions and activities to avoid while your incisions heal. Your surgeon may also prescribe medications to help prevent infection and aid healing.
We understand the particular concerns that accompany facial surgery. If you have any questions about the facial implant procedure, recovery or your expected outlook, be sure to share them with our medical staff so we can help you make well-informed decisions.
Call 352.265.8402 or contact us today to schedule a consultation.