Helping you achieve a fuller facial structure
Facial implants are among the most versatile cosmetic surgery procedures. By inserting soft tissue implants into the cheeks, chin or jaw, University of Florida Health facial surgeons can help patients achieve balanced, contoured facial features.
The greatest advantage of this procedure is the number of options offered to patients and how highly customizable soft tissue implants can be. For example, a patient seeking a chin implant may only want a slight modification, while another might prefer a dramatically more defined chin.
If you are considering facial implants, keep reading to learn how the UF Health facial implant surgeons use this procedure for facial reconstruction and contouring.
Am I a good candidate for facial implants?
Medically speaking, soft tissue implant surgeons only perform these minimally invasive reconstructive procedures on patients who are physically healthy and who are non-smokers.
Although usually performed on an outpatient basis, a facial implant procedure does require incisions. Because of this, patients must undergo sedation. As with any surgery, your doctor will perform tests to verify that you are healthy enough for anesthesia.
Smoking creates an additional concern for cosmetic surgery. Patients undergoing these procedures are understandably concerned about proper healing and minimal scarring. Since nicotine constricts the blood vessels, smoking slows, and may even interfere with, the healing process.
When talking to your surgeon, be completely honest about what you hope to achieve with plastic surgery. Make sure your expectations are reasonable, and that you have communicated them to your doctor accurately.
How should I prepare for facial implant surgery?
In the weeks leading up to your procedure, your facial implant surgeon will require you to undergo testing and possibly make a few minor lifestyle changes to help you prepare.
First and foremost, if you are a smoker and are seriously considering facial implants or any other cosmetic procedure, quit smoking now. As mentioned above, nicotine can cause serious issues with the healing process. Additionally, among the many negative side effects of smoking, many smokers experience premature aging. Continuing to smoke while seeking cosmetic surgery to improve your appearance is counterproductive.
You can expect your facial implant surgeon to order tests leading up to your plastic surgery procedure to verify that anesthesia and plastic surgery are safe for you. Your Gainesville facial surgeon may also ask you to start taking certain medications or make changes to your current medications. You will also be instructed to avoid substances with blood thinning properties, such as certain painkillers and some herbal treatments.
Beyond these medical precautions, knowledge is your most powerful tool in preparing for cosmetic surgery. Your facial implant surgeon will provide complete instructions covering what you should do both before and after your surgery.
Read this information carefully, and be sure to ask any questions that come to mind while going over the material.
You also should plan to have someone drive you to and from your procedure. When you wake up, you will still be under the effects of sedation for several hours, so driving and other intensive tasks should be avoided.
What should I expect following my soft tissue implant procedure?
Since facial implants are only minimally invasive, procedures are usually performed on an outpatient basis. Your soft tissue implant surgeon will provide you with full instructions as well as a schedule of follow-up appointments to track your progress and remove stitches if necessary.
Expect to experience some minor bruising and swelling. You may also have bandages that need to be changed regularly, and you will be given instructions for cleaning and caring for the area where incisions were made. Your surgeon will also likely prescribe medications for you to take during recovery. This can include oral medication, as well as topical ointments to be applied when changing your bandages.
Your facial surgeon may also provide specialized instructions related to the specifics of your procedure. These include dietary restrictions and guidance on what types of movements you should avoid while your incisions are healing.
Additionally, be aware that in some cases multiple procedures are required. This is not true in every case, or even in most cases. You and your surgeon will evaluate your results and determine if there is a need for further procedures.
The soft tissue implant surgeons at UF Health to understand that the decision to receive soft tissue facial implants isn’t made lightly. Be sure to share any questions or concerns you have with your surgeon prior to your procedure. If you decide you move forward, learn more about the facial implant surgery procedure.
Call 352.265.8402 or contact us today to schedule a consultation.