Liposuction surgery is a popular procedure performed by cosmetic surgeons at UF Health. Also known as a lipoplasty, liposuction surgery removes excess fat deposits to reshape specific areas of the body. It enhances the body’s contour and proportion.
Liposuction surgery takes care of those excess fat deposits that cannot be dealt with through good diet and exercise. Even with proper diet and exercise, localized fat deposits can cause your body to have disproportionate contours. This can be due to family traits more so than lifestyle.
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Where on the body can I use liposuction surgery to reduce fat deposits?
There are specific areas of the body where liposuction surgery can be employed to remove deposits of body fat. These include:
- Thighs
- Hips and buttocks
- Abdomen and waist
- Upper arms
- Back
- Inner knee
- Chest area
- Cheeks, chin and neck
- Calves and ankles
Liposuction surgery may be done in conjunction with other cosmetic surgery procedures like facelifts, breast reductions or tummy tucks.
Liposuction surgery is a very individual, personal decision. It should not be undertaken to satisfy others’ desire. It’s not a substitute for diet and exercise or a treatment for obesity. Liposuction surgery is not a proper treatment of cellulite – dimpled skin that typically appears on thighs, hips, buttocks or loose saggy skin.
Ideal candidates for liposuction surgery include adults who are within 30% of their ideal weight and have firm, elastic skin and have good muscle tone. Individuals should be in good health and not smoke.
How should I prepare for my liposuction surgery?
During an initial consultation, UF Health plastic surgeons will discuss areas of concern on your body. You may be asked to stand in front of a mirror and point out the exact areas you would like to see improvement. The surgeon may also take photographs, especially if your posterior is the area of concern, so they can fully assess what needs to be done.
If you decide to move forward with liposuction surgery, there are several things you will need to do. Get lab testing or a medical evaluation, take certain medications or adjust your current ones. Stop smoking well before your scheduled appointment and avoid Aspirin, anti-inflammatory and herbal supplements as they increase the risk of bleeding.
UF Health cosmetic surgeons will fully explain the risks associated with liposuction surgery and require you to sign a consent form attesting that you fully understand the procedure and any risks.
On the day of your liposuction surgery, be sure someone can drive you home since it’s an outpatient procedure. We also recommend you ask a friend or relative to stay the night with you to help monitor your recovery.
Contact and discuss your situation with a UF Health liposuction surgeon and be sure you have all the bases covered before undergoing any procedure. You can also read more about what to expect with surgery.
What can I expect in terms of recovery after liposuction surgery?
Once you undergo liposuction surgery, UF Health cosmetic surgeons will place compression garments or elastic bandages over the treatment area(s) to help control swelling and compress your skin to the new body contours.
Most importantly, follow your University of Florida liposuction surgeon’s post-op instructions. Complications from liposuction surgery can arise from not properly following post-op instructions. As with anything, there are risks but you can minimize the chance of any occurring by following all instructions.
If you experience shortness of breath, chest pains or unusual heartbeats after you return home, seek medical attention immediately
Positive results from liposuction surgery should continue provided you maintain a healthy lifestyle and monitor your weight.
To learn more and take the first steps toward revolutionizing your look and feel, read more about what to expect with surgery.
Call 352.265.8402 or contact us today to schedule a consultation.