We know that it’s important for you to look your best. University of Florida Health surgeons frequently treat men at their plastic surgery center in Gainesville, Florida. and enjoy seeing the great benefit that cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical care can add to their patients’ lives.
UF Health surgeons are sensitive to the different needs of our male patients. We offer expertise in the procedures most often sought by men, such as:
When diet and exercise fail to smooth out localized fat deposits, a procedure known as liposuction may help. There are three common liposuction techniques available for contouring hips, buttocks, thighs, neck, arms, chest, and abdomen. Talk to your doctor about the technique that is right for you. Initial results may appear in 2-4 weeks. More Information from Plasticsurgery.org
Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid surgery, called blepharoplasty, helps more than 230,000 people per year regain a younger, firmer looking eye area. Candidates for this procedure may have excess skin that hides the natural contour of the eye or impairs vision. Surgery can be performed on either the lower or upper eyelids—or both, for a more balanced correction. More Information from Plasticsurgery.org
Today’s facelift, known as a rhytidectomy, is more natural-looking, and longer lasting than ever before. More than 100,000 men and women per year* choose this procedure to lessen the signs of visible aging in the face and neck. By removing lax skin, repositioning and reducing fat deposits, and tightening muscles, your surgeon may restore you to a more youthful, rested appearance. More Information from Plasticsurgery.org
Each year, more than 300,000* people choose rhinoplasty, the second most common facial plastic surgery procedure. Because the nose is the most defining characteristic of the face, a slight alteration can greatly enhance facial harmony. Surgery can change nose size and width, contour the nasal tip and nostrils, and correct impaired breathing. More Information from Plasticsurgery.org
Laser Hair Removal
Hair removal is one of the five most popular nonsurgical cosmetic procedures for men. Laser treatments effectively reduce and remove unwanted hair on the face, upper lip, neck, chest, underarms, back, abdomen, legs, and other areas.
Gynecomastia Correction (breast reduction)
Male breast reduction, known as gynecomastia surgery, can help men of all ages to correct fullness of the breasts. Gynecomastia is a condition that may result from glandular development, excessive fat, or both. This procedure, in conjunction with liposuction of the sides of the abdomen, helps contour the chest and abdomen. To view before and after photos, click here. More Information from Plasticsurgery.org
Spider Vein Therapy
While spider veins are less common in men than in women, sclerotherapy is just as effective for men who seek treatment. Sclerotherapy is a rather simple procedure whereby spider veins are injected with a solution that causes them to collapse. Leg veins as well as hand, facial, and other unwanted veins may be treated. More Information from Plasticsurgery.org
Surgery After Massive Weight Loss
Patients who have lost a large amount of weight are often left with excess, saggy skin around their thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. There are many options for re-contouring the body, including abdominoplasty, lower body lift, chest reduction, arm reduction, thigh and buttock lift. These procedures may be performed alone or in conjunction for optimal results.
- Abdominoplasty at Plasticsurgery.org
- Lower body lift
- Chest reduction at Plasticsurgery.org
- Arm reduction at Plasticsurgery.org
- Thigh and buttock lift
Otoplasty (ear pinning)
This procedure, also known as ear pinning surgery, is an effective choice for setting prominent ears closer to the head. In most cases, ear surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure, giving remarkable results with little downtime for the patient. More Information from Plasticsurgery.org
Scar Revision
Scars that are still obvious and bothersome after about a year may be made less noticeable with scar revision therapy. Injections or application of certain steroid medications can often improve the appearance of a scar. However, some scars require more invasive treatment, such as surgical removal of excess tissue. More Information from Plasticsurgery.org
Treatment of Difficult Wounds
Difficult, chronic and non-healing wounds require specific methods of plastic surgery. Solutions are highly individualized, and may include suturing, skin grafting or local flap closure. Treatment depends on the size, location and complexity of the wound.
Take the next step to a new you. Call 352.265.8402 or contact us today to schedule a consultation.
*Source: American Society of Plastic Surgeons 2006 National Plastic Surgery Statistics