Specialists at UF Health Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics Center offer practical, noninvasive solution to skin complexion problems.
Chemical peels consist of a topical treatment that removes damaged outer layers of your skin, encouraging rejuvenation of healthy cells. If your skin has acne, acne scars, uneven skin pigmentation and/or sun damage, chemical peel treatments with our cosmetic specialists can help restore your skin’s smoothness and texture. These noninvasive, topical treatments may also help remove pre-cancerous skin growth and soften facial acne scars.
Below are a few chemical peel skin treatments available at the UF Health Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics Center, located in Gainesville. Which one you choose depends on your individual situation:
- ZO 3-step Stimulation Peel by Dr. Zein Obagi
- ZO Ossential Stimulator Peel by Dr. Zein Obagi
The first step to finding out which treatment best suits your needs is to schedule an appointment with chemical peel specialists at the UF Health Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics Center, who will be able to assess your individual situation and recommend the proper treatment.
Call 352.265.8402 or contact us today to schedule a consultation. Aesthetic consultations are free.