Prior surgeries and injuries often times can leave prominent scars or cause some kind of disfiguring. University of Florida Health plastic surgeons employ minimally invasive, cutting-edge procedures to help transform scars to be more consistent with surrounding skin tone and texture.
Is a scar revision procedure right for me?
Before you even make an appointment to discuss treatment options, you have to be certain a surgical procedure is not only necessary, but the right thing to do. And while scar revision surgery is usually minimally invasive, it should be performed for the right reasons.
That’s why the #1 rule with any elective procedure is this – do it for you, not to satisfy someone else’s desires – and have realistic goals and expectations.
With that said, there are other questions you will need to answer before you make an appointment with surgeon to discuss treatment options.
Are you bothered by a scar anywhere on your body?
- Are you physically healthy?
- Do you have a positive outlook and realistic expectations?
- Do you have any acne or other skin conditions around your scar?
- Do you smoke?
If you answer yes to questions 1 to 3, then you’re certainly a good candidate. Other skin conditions will have to be addressed before you undergo a scar revision procedure. And if you’re a smoker, you will need to cease smoking before, during and immediately following your procedure.
If you’ve addressed these issues, then you’re likely a good candidate for scar revision surgery. Consulting with an experienced surgeon is the only way to completely answer the question of whether a scar revision is right for you or not.
How should I prepare for scar revision surgery and what kind of recovery can I expect?
- When you have your appointment with our office, UF Health surgeons will want to ask you questions about your condition and your reasons for being interested in scar revision. It’s important that you be completely honest and candid as you discuss your answers.
- Be prepared to discuss your medical history, any prior surgeries and any regular medications or drug use.
- If you decide to have a surgical procedure, surgeons will more fully evaluate your health and advise you on a course of action tailored to your individual situation.
- Since procedures like this are done on an individual basis, scar revision surgeons will need to fully understand the origins of your scar. From there they can recommend topical treatments, minimally-invasive surgical treatments or even more advanced wound closure techniques.
- As your surgical procedure day approaches, you will need to probably change any medications or herbal supplements, as well as quit smoking. Also be sure someone is available to drive you home since this is an outpatient procedure.
- Once the procedure is over, your scar will begin healing and may have some slight swelling for a week or two. While the results of the surgery will be apparent pretty quickly, it’s possible it will take several months or even a year for the positive effects to fully materialize…while we expect good results, it may take a little time for your scar to fully heal. But once the final results become fully apparent, they will last a long time.
- When recovering from scar revision surgery, it’s absolutely critical you follow your surgeon’s instructions.
Call 352.265.8402 or contact us today to schedule a consultation.